563 Salmon Brook St. Granby CT 06035
Mon,Tue,Thur,Friday: 10AM - 5PM and by appointment
Saturday: 10AM-2PM
Closed: Wed and Sun.
LASCO Grapple Saws
The worlds first mini excavator grapplesaw under 700lbs that can actually cut 23".​
Grapple Sizing available: 47", 55", 62", 71"
Hydraulic Configurations: Designed for use on any PTO configuration. ​
New England Pine can configure the grapplesaw to be used on dual PTO excavators (open/close) on circuit 1, rotate (left/right) on circuit two normal with 12volt button selector for (saw/retract) on the selector.
Single PTO machines will be configured with a three way diverter valve to allow for push button selection of rotate, and saw functions.
Stop by our Pro Shop for a demo and to get your hands on the LASCO grapple saw!